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Civil split? Attorneys say a healthy divorce is possible

February 28, 2020

Buffalo Business First

Attorney Keli Iles-Hernandez was interviewed about preparing for all factors of a divorce.

Take care of yourself and prepare to move forward

Keli Iles-Hernandez, counsel at Tiveron Law, said she often works to calm clients’ nerves.

“When a family is going through a divorce, obviously emotions run high,” she said. “People are making high-stake decisions that affect their financial future as well the future of their children – all while under (what is) likely the greatest emotional strain they have ever experienced.

“It is my job to help them sort through that and assist them in separating the emotion from major decision-making.”

As an attorney, she said a good rapport with the individual is crucial, as is recognizing when someone may need emotional support.

“When a client has support and engages in self care, they are less likely to make decisions that are purely emotional and not beneficial to themselves or their family,” Iles-Hernandez said.

She encourages people to reach out to family and friends for support and consider counseling.

“It often helps bring things into prospective,” she said.

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