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Factors Considered by Car Accident Lawyers in Assession Your Case

March 5, 2015

A car accident, regardless of the severity, is a frightening and stressful event for an individual to experience. Unfortunately, the winter months bring increased risks for accidents due to the weather and the hazardous road conditions it causes.

Numerous stressors arise as a result of an accident, such as insurance claims and bodily injuries. Those involved may have to worry about recouping costs for medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and anything else owed as a result of the accident. These factors make the hardship much more difficult to manage on your own, which is why the knowledge and assistance of an experienced car accident attorney is crucial. If you are thinking about pursuing a personal injury case, here are some of the factors an attorney will take into consideration in their process of determining whether or not a case is potentially promising before advising a client to move forward in pursuing a claim.


A huge factor in determining whether your claim is worth pursuing further is the injuries you sustained as a direct result of the collision. If an individual only received minor bruises and cuts from an accident, it is unlikely that an attorney will be able to build a case for compensation. Many insurance companies will take care of smaller claims filed in a quicker, more reasonable manner. However, it is the claims that involve serious injury and property damage that will need the expertise of an attorney to recoup a fair settlement.


One of the top things a lawyer will look into is who the insurance companies have determined to be liable for the motor vehicle accident. Depending on the state and specific details of an accident, there are a few different types of negligence that may be in play. If you are found to have any portion of the fault in the accident, it can significantly reduce your chances of receiving a settlement. It is important to let your attorney know immediately what percentage of the accident, if any, is deemed to be your fault.


It is known that the more evidence you are able to provide for your case, the better. This is no different in a car accident case. Your attorney will have a higher chance of successfully arguing for higher compensation for you if there is proof to back it up. Evidence such as witnesses, police reports, photos of injuries and from the crash scene, and medical reports and bills are all crucial in building a stronger argument to win your claim.

Funds Available

Many people file personal injury lawsuits without considering the fact that the other party involved may not have the funds to provide for the incident even if they are ordered by the courts to pay. Before much of your own time and money is spent pursuing a claim, your attorney will assess the insurance policy and assets of the defendant to decide if the claim is worthwhile, and in your best interest, to pursue further.

These are just a few of the many factors an experienced car accident attorney will consider in advising you on your potential case. If many of these factors align positively, then an experienced lawyer should be able to pursue your claim with confidence. At Tiveron Law, we pride ourselves on the knowledge, experience, and understanding of our personal injury department in handling all types of claims, including motor vehicle accidents. Call 716-636-7600 today to speak with our knowledgeable staff.