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Legal Limelight #10

June 21, 2017

Legal Limelight, a weekly feature, includes a Q&A with one of our attorneys or valued employees. Keep reading to learn all about this week’s guest, Rebecca M. Kujawa.

Q: How many years have you been with Tiveron Law?

A:  I’ve been with Tiveron Law for about five and a half years.

Q: What is your area of practice?

A: My areas of practice are Appellate, Civil Rights, and Personal Injury.

Q: Where did you attend school?

A: I went to the University at Buffalo for my Bachelor’s and for my Law Degree. My Bachelor’s Degree is in Interdisciplinary Social Sciences.

Q: Why did you choose to practice in Buffalo?

A:  I grew up here and my family lives here. It never even crossed my mind to leave. 

Q: What’s the one thing you want your clients to know about you?

A:  I don’t often deal directly with clients for appeals, but if a client sees my name on their file, I’d want them to know I care about their file. Even though appeals can take some time, I want clients to know I do everything in my power to move things along as quickly as possible. 

Q: Why did you become an attorney?

A: When I was younger, it had never crossed my mind to become an attorney. However, I started to participate in Mock Trials in high school to make friends and continued doing so in college. With the classes I took, exploring law more, it was at that time when I discovered that’s where my passion was.  I think it’s a great career to help people and I enjoy being an advocate for clients.

Q: Do you have any hobbies?

A: I perform improv comedy at ComedySportz Buffalo in Snyder. It’s competitive-based short-form improv. 

Q: What’s your favorite restaurant in Buffalo?

A:  I love sushi so I really love Kyoto in Amherst. I also enjoy Mes Que on Hertel.  

Q: What is your favorite book?

A:  I love William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying and I love the Harry Potter series as well. 

 Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

A:  I really want to go to Tokyo. My best friend and I have been talking about it for a really long time. I think they have a fascinating culture. 

Q: What advice would you give a kid who wants to become at attorney?

A: I would recommend finding a mock trial group to try. It’s a great way to submerge yourself in the law world without the pressure.