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Legal Limelight #12

July 27, 2017

Legal Limelight, a weekly feature, includes a Q&A with one of our attorneys or valued employees. Keep reading to learn all about this week’s guest, Jeffrey J. Tyrpak.

Q: How many years have you been with Tiveron Law?

A: I’ve been with the firm for about eight months. 

Q: What is your area of practice?

A: I practice Real Estate Law.

Q: Where did you attend school?

A: I went to Fordham University and received my Bachelor’s Degree in International Political Economy, and I went to UB Law school.

Q: Why did you choose to practice in Buffalo?

A: I started in a big city (New York), but It’s easier to practice here in Buffalo. You get to know more people on a deeper level as you work with them again and again.

Q: What’s the one thing you want your clients to know about you?

A: I’d want my clients to know I’m always working toward what is in their best interests to close a deal.

Q: Why did you become an attorney?

A: I went to law school because I’d majored in Economics and Political Science and often, these can lead to law. I enjoy the philosophy and history behind law.

Q: Do you have any hobbies?

A: I like to run. I’ve run a marathon and four half marathons over the years.

Q: What’s your favorite restaurant in Buffalo?

A:  Deep South Taco.

Q: What is your favorite movie?

A: Jurassic Park.

 Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

A: A place I’ve already been to and would like to see again is Poland. I’ve been to a lot of places in Europe, but Poland is very interesting and medieval. 

Q: If you weren’t an attorney, which profession would you have chosen?

A: I always did like the medical profession because my mom is a nurse. I’m not sure I’d have the stomach for it, though.