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Legal Limelight #4

May 5, 2017

Legal Limelight, a weekly feature, includes a Q&A with one of our attorneys or valued employees. Keep reading to learn all about this week’s guest, Jenna Turco, an Associate Attorney with Tiveron Law.

Q: How many years have you been with Tiveron Law?

A:  Started March 2017 as a Law Clerk and I’ll be sworn in as an Associate Attorney in June

Q: What is your area of practice?

A:  Civil Litigation

Q: Where did you attend school?

A: Canisius College where I earned my Bachelor’s in English and University at Buffalo School of Law for my Law degree.

Q: Why did you become a lawyer?

A: It wasn’t entirely planned; I majored in English in college. I really enjoyed it, but I came across the idea of becoming an attorney because my uncle is a lawyer. Once I started looking into it, I thought it was a win-win. I could still finish my education majoring in English, then go to law school after graduation. I wanted a respectable, clean-cut profession, so I took a chance,
 and it’s worked out very well.

Q: Why did you choose to practice in Buffalo?

A:  I was born and raised in Buffalo, so I wanted to stay local. My family and friends are all here, too.

Q: What’s the one thing you will want your clients to know about you?

A: I want them to know they can rely on me and that I’ll always make time for them.  I’ll work hard to move along their case.

Q: What is your favorite restaurant in Buffalo?

A: That’s tough because it depends on the type of food. For Italian, my favorite is Sinatra’s, Mexican, I love Lloyd’s, and in general, I really love The Grange in Hamburg for pizza.

Q: What was the best concert you’ve ever been to?

A: Eric Church

Q: Which is your favorite book?

A: Tuesdays With Morrie

Q: Favorite Sports Team?

A: I would have to say the Bills, unfortunately, because everyone is a Bills fan in Buffalo.