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New York State Gun Laws Pose Threat of Arrest for Visitors

January 23, 2012

Following a former U.S. Marine’s arrest for attempting to security-check his pistol while visiting the Empire State Building, light has been cast upon one of the Nation’s toughest gun-control laws. The Marine’s weapon was licensed in his home state of Indiana; however, New York State’s gun law fails to recognize out-of-state permits. The law prohibits anyone from carrying a firearm, unless the person specifically has a New York state-issued gun permit. Aside from certain exceptions to the law, such as law enforcement officers, people carrying weapons licensed in other states may be subject to arrest. In addition to the U.S. Marine arrested, a Tennessee medical student was arrested at the 9/11 memorial after trying to check her gun, registered outside of New York. Tea party activist Mark Meckler was also arrested at New York’s LaGuardia airport after attempting to check his unloaded California-registered pistol in a locked box.

While the U.S. Marine’s case is still pending, he could face up to three and a half years in jail. Some suggest that New York State’s strict gun law is unnecessarily targeting law-abiding citizens, despite the purported intent of protecting everyone visiting, living, or working in New York. No matter what your personal opinion may be, strong emphasis is placed upon knowing a state’s laws and how you may be affected. The National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action has a website with an interactive map that allows you to click on a state and read more about its particular gun laws.

If you have questions or are uncertain about the application of New York State’s gun law to your particular circumstances, please do not hesitate to contact us.