You might be surprised to find out that despite your level of income or assets, you may need a prenuptial agreement. Many people fail to consider signing a prenuptial agreement because they mistakenly assume that such...
Category: Blog
What is the Family Medical Leave Act and who qualifies?The Family Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”) was enacted to protect the jobs of employees in need of time off from work to assist family members. More specifically, it...
Read Time: 3 Min
February 16, 2009
Every homeowner should be aware that the responsibility for keeping up your real property, whether it is your personal residence or a rental property, is not merely a personal preference to be exercised only when you desire....
In New York State Grievance Day is the opportunity for owners of Real Property to challenge their property’s assessment for real property tax purposes. Each municipality has its own Grievance day. Generally towns hold...
While most of us recognize the dangers of drinking and driving and the implications that a DWI conviction can have on our licenses, many people do not appreciate how substantial the financial penalties are. There are numerous...