From time to time, and particularly during the holiday season, I am asked by kith and kin alike about the responsibility a homeowner has to prevent people from drinking too much at a holiday party. Concerns range from the...
Category: Blog
The issue of a person’s legal place of residence has significance in matrimonial proceedings and other legal matters affecting where you can sue or be sued or where you must pay taxes among others. Legal residence is...
Am I eligible for Social Security Disability? In order to qualify for SSD you must have worked in a job(s) covered under the Social Security System and paid Social Security taxes. By working and paying taxes, you earn Social...
Read Time: 2 Min
November 12, 2012
Many parents are under the misunderstanding that if they are the custodial parent of a child they can relocate at will and merely have to file documentation alerting the court and other parent of their decision. This is...
If you are considering adoption as a means to create or add to your family, you may be aware that the United States Internal Revenue Code allows for an Adoption Tax Credit of up to $12,170.00+ for “qualified adoption...